The 12 Foundation Skills: Introduction

The 12 Foundation Skills: 1- Letter Recognition: Singing Solo to find a given letter (Sing the Song!)


The 12 Foundation Skills: 2-Letter Sound Recognition

The 12 Foundation Skills: 3-Writing the Letters: Stick and Ball

The 12 Foundation Skills: 4-Sight Word Recognition

The 12 Foundation Skills: 5-Word Part Recognition: Beginning, Middle, End

The 12 Foundation Skills: 6-Rhyming Words-Why Words Rhyme

The 12 Foundation Skills: 7-Word Meanings: Synonyms, Antonyms, Multi-Meaning Words

The 12 Foundation Skills: 8-Writing the Letters in Words

The 12 Foundation Skills: 9-Syllables

The 12 Foundation Skills: 10-Print Awareness

The 12 Foundation Skills: 11-Story Awareness

The 12 Foundation Skills: 12-Decoding Words with Phonetic Skills

Understanding Deliberate Practice

Deliberate Practice is what makes the skills work together.

You will practice a skill, then practice it again in new ways. Once you are “fluent” in one skill, you will do the same with the next skill in order. Then, you will practice them together, putting both the skills into the practice exercises. By assembling, disassembling, and reassembling in new ways, you rapidly integrate the skills together for fluency. So…practice takes information you learn and turns it into a skill…something you can actually do!